Guarding My Ear Oh So Jealously...

For a long time, my image of myself was of a 'fair skinned girl', I didn't know how wrong this perception was until much later.

You see, everyone around me while growing up always referred to me as the fair one and my sister as the dark-skinned one. It didn't occur to me at the time that I wasn't exactly fair skinned, and that they were just comparing two complexions.  I was fair skinned and that was all I could see. I heard it so often, I believed them and no matter how many times I looked at myself in the mirror, I always see a fair skin.

I didn't realise how totally 'unfair' my skin is until I couldn’t use the fair shades of just wouldn't blend with my skin tone. It was a sudden reawakening for me and for the first time, I saw a different shade of myself in the mirror... I was dark skinned, maybe caramel... but certainly not the 'yellow pawpaw' my mind had conjured.

So suddenly, I realised that I reacted to what had been said to me over and over... I have heard it so much that my eyes could only see what my mind believed.

The ear is powerful, keep hearing something and you will believe it. Just like a man who keeps eating gets full, a man who keeps hearing will start to believe.

So, I have learnt how important my ear is... I have learnt that it's a straight path to my Soul.  So, I'm not constantly giving my ears to negativities... I'm guarding my ears so jealously and I hope you do the same.


  1. Lol. The fair skinned one, let your ear remain open but guard your mind by verifying what you hear before believing it.

  2. The penultimate paragraph nailed it...

    Adichie famously said that if we tell the story of a person or group of persons repeatedly as if it's the only story of the concerned, then such 'stories' stick and ultimately become the singular narratives about'em - as if to imply that there aren't other stories. The case becomes aggravating if the 'single story' involved is of the negative stock.
    Like you rightly warned us here we've got to "guard our ears jealously",from the illusions created by such fake single stories about ourselves or anyone(thing) else...
    This is a moral worth bearing in mind!


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