I Hear It All...
I hear you as I walk past
I hear the cat calls
Sometimes I pretend I do not understand
But I do.
I hear the 'baby'... I hear 'omo ele'
I hear the whistling, I hear the 'mama'
I hear it all
I hear you as I walk past
I hear your laughter
I hear the amusement in your voice
I hear you when you say among yourself
she is not one of us o
Look at her legs... like yam tubers... see the veins... she must be from the other tribe
I hear you as I walk past
I hear all you say
I hear when you say 'how can she say she has no money'
I hear the malice in your tone.
I hear when you say she is a girl... if she has no money, it's because she is a fool...
I hear you as I walk past
I hear you telling your daughter how much her admission cost you
I hear you when you say, now you are there, find a way to pass....you are a girl... graduate by any means...
I hear you as a I walk past
I hear you talking about me
I hear you when you say she is sleeping with the boss... that's why they are so close...
I hear you when you say she is a girl... that's why she was promoted
I hear all you say
I hear you as I walk past
I hear you talking about the exam
I hear you ask one another why I had the best result
I hear you when you say, what does she have to think about...we have a lot on our mind...we only let her win
I hear you as I drive past
I hear you all
I hear you when you say she is just a girl
I hear you when you say a man must have given her the car
I hear the debate... maybe her boyfriend...or her husband.... maybe it was her father
I hear you everyday
But hear me today...
Yes I am a girl... but I'm also human
It hurts when you disrespect me
It hurts when you demean me
And It hurts when you belittle what I can do
When u hear those things as you walk past. Don't forget u are walking past them...the backbiters who say such demeaning things. Backbiters remain at the back..but where u are going to u will meet people that appreciate success! Nice poem Tee!
ReplyDeleteThe objectification of women as regards what they can be used for, and not what they can do (like any human person) isn't right. A wise thinker - a humanist - said some times ago that we should treat all humans as ends in themselves, not means to ends! Many of us (especially male chauvinists) will do better to yield to that counsel. Even from a religious point of view, we're all the same before God; I imagine there's just one heaven (and hell) all (wo)men will go to at the end of time!
ReplyDeleteBut of course, tis a good effort here, on your part, in bringing these experiences to our attention. I hope as many people as possible get to read this!
Lovely poem
ReplyDeleteChai, see the beautiful composition, carrying us so nicely on the train of your thoughts with us eager to follow. It's as if we were walking with you also hearing them say these things. Taiwo, you are really talented. You've got a beautiful mind.
ReplyDeletelovely peom..Tee